Sunday, October 21, 2007
playing captain's ball; kia tries the "hug ball and act dead" technique
kialiang the mermaid
the mermaid returns to the sea
having fun in the water
bennett with cool hair!
bennett with cooler hair
wet pple group photo!
happy birthday geoffrey!
joseph complaining about his hurt fingernail
posted by yongfeng at 6:45 PM
[luvvv.. makes our hearts SING]
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Us at open house! Good job everyone thanks for putting all that effort to make the open house a super duper success. =)
Shy Sopranos who don't want to get photographed. Guess who????
Camwhore altos who, uh,
want to get photographed! Don't need to guess who ^.^
Go J2s! Mug hard! It'll be over in about, oh, 1.5 months? (okay no one slap me) Bye!!! =D
posted by ChrisZhao at 8:22 PM
[luvvv.. makes our hearts SING]